Microbiomics Made Simple

At Zymo Research we strive to empower microbiome researchers worldwide to achieve their research goals, through unbiased microbial profiling, highly reproducible data, and scientist-to-scientist interaction. We are committed to leveraging our expertise to develop and deliver the highest quality kits, tools, and services, enabling our customers to achieve their research goals with confidence. Our focus on simplicity ensures that researchers of all levels can easily integrate our solutions into their workflows, accelerating their microbiome discoveries and advancing the field.

Solutions Learn Technologies Services

Any Step, Any Sample Type

Complete your workflow with the only comprehensive portfolio on the market.

Microbiome Standards
Sample Collection
DNA/RNA Extraction
Library Preparation
Microbiome Standards icon

Microbiome Standards

Improve the quality and reproducibility of microbiomics analyses with microbial standards from Zymo Research.

  • Free consultation for project initiation
  • Compatible with various sample types and any organism (mammals, plants, bacteria, and more)
  • Comprehensive publication-ready bioinformatics analysis report.

Companion tools are also available for our standards, including the MIQ Score Portal and Fecal Reference Database.

Sample Collection icon

Sample Collection

Collection kits and devices using ground-breaking reagent technology to inactivate pathogens and protect nucleic acid content.

  • Remove the need for cold chain in shipping.
  • Inactive potential pathogens for safe handling.
  • Easy-to-use devices available for most common sample types.
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DNA/RNA Extraction icon

DNA/RNA Extraction

Improve the accuracy of your data with the most robust lysis and purification technologies available.

  • Unbiased lysis of bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses.
  • Certified low-bioburden reagents to reduce "kit-ome".
  • Complete removal of downstream PCR inhibitors.


DNA Extraction

Low-bioburden reagents and unbiased lysis technology to ensure complete DNA recovery and accurate microbial profiling.

RNA & DNA/RNA Extraction

Low-bioburden reagents and unbiased lysis technology to ensure complete DNA recovery and accurate metatranscriptomic profiling.

High-Throughput & Automation

Automation-ready extraction to increase throughput, reduce handling requirements, and shorten turnaround times.

Host-DNA depletion

Streamlined host depletion and bacterial DNA isolation from mammalian samples.

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Library Preparation icon

Library Preparation

Optimized NGS library prep workflows that dramtically reduce hands-on time required to produce sequencing-ready libraries.

  • The simplest and fastest NGS library prep workflows available.
  • Pool libraries by equal volume, no tedious normalization required.
  • UDI barcodes provide better demux accuracty and prevent index swapping.
NGS Analysis icon

NGS Analysis

A variety of sequencing services and analysis tools to help you find the answers you seek.

  • Microbiome Analysis Services for Any Application.
  • Free analysis tools to accelerate your metagenomics research.
  • Databases to host and share sequencing data and meta-data.

Tools & Services

Microbiome Sequencing Services

Complete Solutions for all your sequencing needs, using the most accurate microbiome profiling methods.

Analysis Tools
Reference Databases

Public platforms designed to host NGS characterization data generated specifically from the ZymoBIOMICS reference materials.

Knowledge Center

NGS Services

Trusted By Leading Institutions

  • Atrium Health Logo
  • Beckman Logo
  • Calysta Logo
  • Dana-Farber Logo
  • Forsyth Logo
  • Fred Hutchinson Logo
  • Harvard Logo
  • Johns Hopkins Logo
  • Massachusetts General Hospital Logo
  • Nestle Purina Logo
  • National Institutes of Health Logo
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Logo
  • Novogene Logo
  • P & G Logo
  • Platiunum Performance Logo
  • Prolacta Bioscience Logo
  • USDA Logo

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