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    Quick-DNA/RNA Viral Kits | Spin-Column

    The Quick-DNA/RNA Viral Kits are designed for quick and easy purification of viral DNA and/or RNA from plasma, serum, urine, cell culture media, blood, saliva, cellular suspensions, biopsies, and swab and fecal samples stored in DNA/RNA Shield.

    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.


    Quick-DNA/RNA Viral Kit


    • Quick recovery of viral DNA/RNA from plasma, serum and other samples.
    • Omits the use of organic denaturants and proteases.
    • High-quality viral DNA/RNA is ready for RT-PCR, sequencing, etc.
    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    D7020 Quick-DNA/RNA Viral Kit 50 Preps $199.50
    - +
    D7021 Quick-DNA/RNA Viral Kit 200 Preps $638.40
    - +
    Cat # Name Size Price
    C1102-25 Zymo-Spin IIC-XL Columns 25 Pack $39.70
    C1102-50 Zymo-Spin IIC-XL Columns 50 Pack $77.00
    D7020-1-25 Viral DNA/RNA Buffer 25 ml $68.80
    D7020-1-100 Viral DNA/RNA Buffer 100 ml $190.20
    R1034-2-6 Viral Wash Buffer (concentrate) 6 ml $21.00
    C1001-50 Collection Tubes 50 Pack $17.50
    R1034-2-24 Viral Wash Buffer (concentrate) 24 ml $70.00
    W1001-6 DNase/RNase-Free Water 6 ml $17.50
    W1001-1 DNase/RNase-Free Water 1 ml $11.60
    R1200-125 DNA/RNA Shield (2X Concentrate) 125 ml $255.60


    The Quick-DNA/RNA Viral Kit is a fast viral DNA/RNA purification kit for viral DNA and RNA from plasma, serum, cell culture media, cellular suspensions, urine, blood, saliva and any other biological samples stored in DNA/RNA Shield. DNA/RNA Shield ensures nucleic acid stability during sample storage/transport at ambient temperatures (4°C-25°C). The reagent effectively lyses cells and inactivates nucleases and infectious agents (virus). The kit also features a buffer system that facilitates complete viral particle lysis for efficient DNA/RNA isolation. Viral DNA/RNA is bound to the column, washed, and eluted. The isolated high-quality viral DNA/RNA are ready for all downstream applications such as Next-Gen Sequencing, hybridization-based and RT/PCR detection.


    Technical Specifications
    Equipment Microcentrifuge
    Purity High-quality nucleic acids are ready for Next-Gen Sequencing, RT/qPCR, hybridization, etc
    Sample Source Plasma, serum, saliva, urine, blood, cell culture media, cellular suspensions, biopsies, swab, and fecal samples
    Size Range 50 nt to ~200 kb
    Yield 25 µg DNA and 50 µg RNA




    This can happen on occasion due to transport or storage at lower temperatures. The reagent functionality is not affected; however, the precipitate can be resolved by heating the reagent to >37 °C.

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