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    Quick-DNA/RNA Viral Kits | Load N’ Go

    The Quick-DNA/RNA Viral Kits are designed for quick and easy purification of viral DNA and/or RNA from plasma, serum, urine, cell culture media, blood, saliva, cellular suspensions, biopsies, and swab and fecal samples stored in DNA/RNA Shield.

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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.


    Load N’ Go DNA/RNA Viral Kit


    • Pre-filled 96-well reagent plate technology that offers multi-platform compatibility and reduces hands-on time by 75%.
    • High-throughput, magnetic-bead based purification of viral DNA and RNA from plasma, serum, urine, cell culture media, blood, saliva, cellular suspensions, swab, fecal, and biopsy samples.
    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    R2143 Load N’ Go DNA/RNA Viral Kit 96 preps $529.60
    - +
    Cat # Name Size Price
    R1200-25 DNA/RNA Shield (2X Concentrate) 25 ml $72.10
    D3001-2-20 Proteinase K w/ Storage Buffer Set 20 mg $51.40


    The Load N’ Go DNA/RNA Viral Kit features pre-loaded plate technology that reduces hands-on time on average by 75%. Simply prep your sample, load the plates, and run the purification script on your laboratory automation platform of choice.

    The chemistry of the kit was designed for high-throughput purification of viral DNA and/or RNA. This kit is compatible with plasma, serum, urine, cell culture media, blood, saliva, cellular suspensions, biopsies, swab and fecal samples. The MagBinding Bead technology provides a flexible workflow that can be adapted for both magnetic bead transfer systems and liquid handler systems.

    For automation scripts and support, email


    Technical Specifications
    Binding Capacity Up to 5 µg DNA/RNA per reaction.
    Elution Volume Prefilled at 50 µl DNase/RNase-Free Water per well.
    Purity DNA/RNA is ready for Nex-Gen Sequencing, RT/qPCR, etc.
    Sample Source Plasma, serum, saliva, swab, urine, cell culture media, blood, cellular suspension, fecal sample or biopsy sample.




    Examples of popular systems that are compatible include, but are not limited to:

    • AllSheng Auto-Pure 96
    • IsoPureTM 96
    • KingFisherTM Flex
    • KingFisherTM Apex
    • Tecan Fluent®
    • Hamilton Microlab®StarTM
    • OpentronsTM OT-2

    If you are unsure about compatibility, reach out to for verification.

    Please contact to send a request for scripts and additional reference material.

    Immediately collect and lyse fresh sample into a stabilization reagent, such as DNA/RNA Shield to ensure nucleic acid stability. Homogenized samples in DNA/RNA Shield can be stored frozen for later processing.

    Incomplete deproteinization due to high-protein content in the sample (blood, plasma/serum, tissue, etc.):

    • Increase the volume of DNA/RNA Shield to the sample
    • Perform Proteinase K treatment (see Sample Preparation, page 5).

    Increase eluate input:

    • Titrate the DNA/RNA eluate for downstream applications (i.e., RT, qPCR).

    To remove DNA, use the RNA Clean & Concentrator MagBead Kit (Cat #R1082, sold separately):

    • Use the included DNase I post-purification treatment
    • Perform the RNA Clean & Concentrator MagBead clean-up protocol.

    This can happen on occasion due to transport or storage at lower temperatures. The reagent functionality is not affected; however, the precipitate can be resolved by heating the reagent to >37 °C.

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