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    Quick-RNA Kits | MagBead

    The Quick-RNA Kits are fast RNA isolation kits designed for the easy, reliable, and rapid isolation of DNA-free total RNA (including small/miRNAs) from a wide range of cell and tissue samples.

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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.


    Quick-RNA MagBead


    • Versatile: High-throughput, magnetic bead-based isolation total RNA (including small/micro RNAs) from any sample including cells, solid tissue, whole blood, biological liquids, FFPE tissue, environmental (plant/seed), swabs (stool, soil, microbial samples), etc.
    • NGS-Ready: High-quality RNA is ready for any downstream application. DNase I included.
    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    R2132 Quick-RNA MagBead 96 preps $342.00
    - +
    R2133 Quick-RNA MagBead 4 x 96 preps $1,247.50
    - +
    Cat # Name Size Price
    C2007-8 96-Well Plate Cover Foil 8 Foils $18.50
    C2002 Collection Plate 2 Plates $25.60
    C2003 Elution Plate 2 Plates $22.10
    P1005 ZR-96 MagStand 1 $414.30
    C2007-2 96-Well Plate Cover Foil 2 Foils $10.30
    C2007-4 96-Well Plate Cover Foil 4 Foils $10.30
    R1200-25 DNA/RNA Shield (2X Concentrate) 25 ml $72.10
    R1200-125 DNA/RNA Shield (2X Concentrate) 125 ml $255.60
    D3001-2-5 Proteinase K w/ Storage Buffer Set 5 mg $24.50
    D3001-2-20 Proteinase K w/ Storage Buffer Set 20 mg $51.40
    W1001-4 DNase/RNase-Free Water 4 ml $14.00
    W1001-6 DNase/RNase-Free Water 6 ml $17.50
    W1001-10 DNase/RNase-Free Water 10 ml $22.10
    W1001-30 DNase/RNase-Free Water 30 ml $25.60
    W1001-1 DNase/RNase-Free Water 1 ml $11.60
    D4100-2-24 MagBinding Beads 24 ml $260.30
    R1060-1-100 RNA Lysis Buffer 100 ml $176.20
    R1060-1-50 RNA Lysis Buffer 50 ml $92.20
    E1010 DNase I Set 250 U $63.40
    R1060-2-50 RNA Prep Buffer 50 ml $71.20
    R1060-2-100 RNA Prep Buffer 100 ml $142.30


    The Quick-RNA MagBead kit provides a high-throughput, magnetic bead-based purification of high-quality total RNA (including small/microRNAs) from any sample source (e.g., cells, solid tissue, whole blood, biological fluids, FFPE tissue, environmental (plant/seed), swabs (stool, soil, microbial samples)), samples stored in DNA/RNA Shield, etc. The provided DNA/RNA Shield inactivates infectious agents and is ideal for sample storage at ambient temperatures. Total RNA is eluted into ≥50 µl of DNase/RNase-Free Water and is ready for any downstream application including Next-Gen Sequencing, RT/PCR, hybridization, etc.

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    Technical Specifications
    Binding Capacity 15 µg total RNA per 30 µl MagBinding Beads.
    Equipment Needed Magnetic stand or separator, heat block, liquid handler or robotic sample processor (user provided).
    Purity High-quality RNA is ready for Next-Gen Sequencing, RT/PCR, hybridization, etc.
    Recommended Materials (available separately) – 96-well Collection Plate (C2002; capacity is up to 1.2 ml/well), 96-Well Block (P1001; capacity is up to 2 ml/well), 96-well Elution Plate (C2003), Cover Foil (C2007), ZR-96 MagStand (P1005).
    Sample Preservation DNA/RNA Shield lyses cells, inactivates nucleases and infectious agents and is ideal for safe sample storage and transport at ambient temperatures (page 7).
    Sample Sources Any cells, solid tissue, whole blood, biological fluids, FFPE tissue, environmental (plant/seed), swabs (stool, soil, microbial samples), samples stored in DNA/RNA Shield, etc.
    Size Limits Total RNA including small/microRNAs ≥ 17nt.
    Storage RNA eluted with DNase/RNase-Free Water (provided) can be stored frozen. The addition of RNase inhibitors is highly recommended for prolonged storage.




    Input Average RNA Yield
    Cells 10 µg (per 106 cells)
    HeLa 15 µg
    High Yield Tissue (mouse) ≥ 30 µg (per 10 mg)
    Spleen 30-50 µg
    Liver 40-60 µg
    Low Yield Tissue (mouse) ≤ 30 µg (per 10 mg)
    Brain, Heart 5-15 µg
    Muscle 5-20 µg
    Lung 10-20 µg
    Intestine 10-30 µg
    Kidney 20-30 µg
    Whole Blood (per 1 ml)
    Porcine 10-20 µg
    Human 2-10 µg

    Purity, RIN and/or any type of contamination can result from initial sample preparation (i.e., inefficient lysis of the sample). To improve, increase the volume of the lysis reagent (e.g., TRI Reagent/TRIzol or RNA Lysis Buffer).

    • To ensure complete lysis, increase the volume of the lysis reagent (i.e., increase or titrate the volume of TRI Reagent/TRIzol or RNA Lysis Buffer). Lysate should be clear (not opaque or viscous). Pellet debris by centrifugation (if needed) and process the cleared supernatant.
    • Prior to adding TRI Reagent/TRIzol or RNA Lysis Buffer, perform enzymatic treatment (Proteinase K; #D3001-2-20) and/or mechanical homogenization (bead beating with ZR BashingBead Lysis Tubes; #S6003) in DNA/RNA Shield (#R1100).

    This can happen on occasion due to transport or storage at lower temperatures. The reagent functionality is not affected; however, the precipitate can be resolved by heating the reagent to >37 °C.

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