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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    OneStep PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit

    Bioz Citation Badge
    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    D6031 OneStep PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit (NEW) 50 Preps $132.60
    - +
    D6035 OneStep-96 PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit 2 x 96 Preps $409.60
    - +


    • Fast, one step procedure for cleaning impure samples prior to PCR, sequencing, NGS, reverse transcription (RT), etc.
    • Efficiently eliminate polyphenolics from extracted DNA & RNA samples for PCR and short or long read sequencing.
    • ≥80% recovery of PCR inhibitor free DNA & RNA.
    Description & Documents Specifications FAQ Components


    Product Description

    The OneStep PCR Inhibitor Removal kits are PCR inhibitor clean up kits that contain all the components needed for efficient removal of contaminants from DNA and RNA preparations that can inhibit downstream enzymatic reactions (e.g. PCR and RT). The column slurry has been optimized to efficiently bind and remove any polyphenolic compounds, such as humic/fulvic acids, tannins, melanin, etc. from the most impure DNA and RNA preparations. Sample clean-up is as simple as filtering your sample with the prepped column.

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    Technical Specifications

    Applicable for Cleaned samples are ready for PCR, sequencing, reverse transcription (RT), etc
    Input Volume 50-200µl
    Equipment Microcentrifuge
    Purity High quality, enzymatic-reaction ready DNA/RNA products.
    Sample source Samples contaminated by polyphenolics that inhibit enzymatic reactions.
    Sample storage Eluted DNA/RNA can be used immediately or stored at ≤ - 20°C.
    Type ds/ssDNA and RNA.
    Yield 80-90%


    The minimum volume that can be processed with the HRC columns is 50µl. For the maximum volume, the columns can handle as much as 200µl, however, the input limit is mostly dependent on the amount of inhibitors present in the sample. For largely inhibited samples it is recommended to keep volumes between 50-100µl.

    The new version has a more simplified workflow as it does not require the addition of any prep buffer and has improved stability for more efficient inhibitor removal.

    The old format (D6030) will be available until July 2025. You can access the old format by clicking here.

    Cat # Name Size Price
    C1010-50 Zymo-Spin IV-IR HRC Filters 50 pack $122.40
    C1001-50 Collection Tubes 50 Pack $17.50

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