Everything You Need to Know About Bacterial Transformation


Bacterial transformation is defined as a fundamental technique in molecular biology used to introduce foreign DNA into host cells. This process allows researchers to manipulate the genetic make-up of host bacteria such as Escherichia coli, making it an indispensable tool for applications like genetic engineering, cloning, and the study of gene expression. Transformation typically occurs after restriction enzyme digestion and ligation, during which a gene is inserted into a plasmid or vector. The plasmid is then introduced into host bacteria (most commonly Escherichia coli) that were previously treated to become competent, or capable of taking up foreign DNA. After transformation is complete, antibiotic selection and DNA analysis techniques can be used to identify colonies containing the desired plasmid. These colonies can be grown to make large cultures, which are used for plasmid propagation or protein production.

How To Calculate Transformation Efficiency

The success of bacterial transformation protocols can be measured using a transformation efficiency calculation. Transformation efficiency is defined as the number of colony forming units (cfu) produced by transforming 1 µg of plasmid DNA for a given number of cells. These colonies arise from individual Escherichia coli cells that have successfully incorporated and expressed the plasmid DNA. This section provides instructions clarifying how to calculate transformation efficiency and seeks to further explain bacterial transformation.

To calculate transformation efficiency, the number of colonies formed must be divided by the amount of DNA added to the cells and the dilution factor. The transformation efficiency equation is shown below: 

Transformation Efficiency
Colonies (CFU) DNA Added to Cells (µg)
1 Dilution Before Plating


Colonies = Number of colonies counted on plate (number of transformants)

DNA Added to Cells = Weight of DNA in µg to be transformed

Dilution Before Plating = Total dilution of DNA prior to plating

As an example, suppose 100 pg of plasmid DNA is added to 50 µl competent cells for transformation, and 450 µl media are added for an outgrowth step. Following outgrowth, 50 µl are diluted into 1 mL media before plating 100 µl. 130 colonies are formed. In this case, the transformation efficiency calculation is outlined below.

Colonies = 130

DNA Added to Cells = 100 pg = 0.0001 µg

Dilution Before Plating = (50 µl/500 µl) x (100 µl/1000 µl) = 0.01

Transformation Efficiency
130 CFU 0.0001 µg
1 0.01
1.3 x 108 CFU/µg plasmid DNA

Transformation efficiency is influenced by several factors, including the quality of competent cells, the purity and concentration of the plasmid DNA or vector used, the precise timing and temperature during the heat shock step, and the recovery period. With these considerations in mind, the rest of this article will explore methods and best practices for bacterial transformation to ensure optimal results.

Traditional Heat Shock Transformation

There are several pieces of equipment and specialized reagents required to carry out a standard bacterial transformation protocol in the lab. This section outlines an E. coli transformation protocol using the tried-and-true heat shock method.

Required Materials: 

  • High-quality competent E. coli cells 
  • LB or SOC media 
  • Plasmid or vector of interest (high-quality, pure, and adequately concentrated) 
  • LB agar plates with appropriate antibiotic 
  • Sterile microcentrifuge tubes 
  • Micropipettes and sterile pipette tips 
  • Shaking incubator at 37 °C 
  • Stationary incubator at 37 °C 
  • Water bath at 42 °C 
  • Ice bucket filled with ice 
  • Sterile, disposable plastic spreaders or beads for plating 

Transformation Protocol:

  1. Competent Cell Preparation: E. coli cells must first be treated to become competent, or capable of taking up exogeneous DNA. It is crucial to ensure the cells remain ice-cold throughout this process. 
  2. DNA Uptake: Add 1-5 μl of DNA (usually 0.01-100 ng) into 20-50 μl of competent cells in a sterile microcentrifuge tube. Mix gently by flicking the bottom of the tube to ensure even distribution. The utilization of high-quality plasmid DNA is of utmost importance, as contaminants or low DNA concentrations can undermine the transformation process. ZymoPURE Plasmid Purification Kits are the best option to ensure highly concentrated, ultra-pure plasmid DNA is used for the transformation protocol.
  3. Incubation on Ice: Place the mixture on ice for 30 minutes. This step is critical for the success of the transformation protocol, as it promotes stable binding of DNA to the cells. 
  4. Heat Shock: After incubation on ice, heat shock the cells at 42°C for a duration of 45 seconds. This temperature and duration are ideal for maximal transformation efficiency, as they create a temporary opening in the cell membrane that can facilitate the introduction of foreign DNA. 
  5. Incubation on Ice: Place the mixture back on ice for 2 minutes. 
  6. Outgrowth: Add 250-1,000 μl LB or SOC media (without antibiotic) to the cells and incubate at 37°C with constant agitation for 45 minutes. 
  7. Plating: Carefully pipette transformed cells on LB agar plates containing the appropriate antibiotic for selection. Evenly distribute cells across the plate using sterile beads or a plastic spreader. Incubate at 37°C overnight. 

While the heat shock transformation method is well-established, several tips and tricks can enhance success with this bacterial transformation protocol. Transformation efficiencies of 108-109 transformants/µg of pUC19 DNA are necessary for optimal cloning, sub-cloning, library construction, and other downstream applications. 

Best Practices:

  • Quality Competent Cells: The utilization of high-quality competent cells is imperative for efficient transformation, with proper storage being crucial for maintaining their competence. Competent cells should be thawed on ice rather than at room temperature. 
  • Quality DNA: The plasmid DNA used for bacterial transformation should be highly pure and at an appropriate concentration. Low DNA concentration or presence of contaminants can be detrimental to transformation efficiencies. 
  • Precise Heat Shock: The precise timing and temperature during the heat shock step of the transformation protocol are ideal for creating temporary openings in the cell membrane, allowing foreign DNA to enter.
  • Pre-Warmed Plates: Incubate LB agar plates at 37°C for at least 30 minutes prior to plating competent cells and bacteria. 
  • Gentle Handling: Spread cells across the plate evenly and carefully to avoid puncturing the agar. Rattler Plating Beads can easily distribute cells across the plate while minimizing the risk of damage. 

Excluding the preparation of competent cells, this E. coli transformation protocol using the traditional heat shock method can take approximately 2 hours. Furthermore, the bacterial transformation protocol requires precise handling, proper equipment and materials, and technical expertise to achieve high transformation efficiencies.

A Quick and Simple Alternative: Mix & Go! E. coli Competent Cells

Traditional heat shock transformation protocols can be tedious and time-consuming. With pre-made Mix & Go! E. coli Competent Cells, it is possible to reduce processing time from 2 hours to just 20 seconds by eliminating the need for heat shock and lengthy incubations. These innovative chemically competent cells offer a streamlined transformation protocol without the need for an outgrowth step when using plasmids containing ampicillin-resistant markers. Transformations can also be completed at room temperature, saving valuable time and resources. With transformation efficiencies as high as 109 transformants per µg of plasmid DNA, Mix & Go! E. coli Competent Cells are ideal for a diverse range of applications such as cloning, sub-cloning, library construction, etc.  Zymo Research provides five different strains of Mix & Go! competent cells in both standard and high-throughput 96-well formats. 

E. coli transformation is a widespread, vital technique within the realm of molecular biology. Whether a traditional heat shock transformation protocol or a streamlined technique such as Mix & Go! E. coli Competent Cells are chosen, achieving a high transformation efficiency is necessary to ensure the success of complex downstream applications and studies. 

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