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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    ZymoPURE 96 Plasmid Miniprep Kit

    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    D4214 ZymoPURE 96 Plasmid Miniprep Kit 2 x 96 preps $543.80
    - +
    D4215 ZymoPURE 96 Plasmid Miniprep Kit 4 x 96 preps $889.90
    - +
    D4216 ZymoPURE 96 Starter Package (EZ-Vac 96 Vacuum Manifold included) 4 x 96 preps $1,290.00
    - +


    • High-Throughput: Perform 96 Plasmid Minipreps Simultaneously using a Vacuum Manifold or Centrifuge.
    • Highest Yield: Up to 100 μg of Highly Concentrated Plasmid DNA.
    • Ultra-Pure: Eluted Plasmid DNA is Transfection-Grade and Free of Cross-Contamination.
    Description & Documents Specifications FAQ Components


    SDS (MSDS): 

    Product Description

    The ZymoPURE™ 96 Plasmid Miniprep Kit features a high-throughput method for the purification of up to 100 µg of ultra-pure transfection-grade plasmid DNA using a vacuum manifold or centrifuge. The unique vacuum plate design provides zero buffer retention and low elution volumes. In addition, the provided wash plate also significantly reduces plasmid DNA cross-contamination between wells relative to other popular high-throughput plasmid prep kits.

    ZymoPURE™ technology uses a modified alkaline lysis method and our patented binding chemistry, which enables the highest DNA binding capacity and rapid loading of the lysate and wash buffer, resulting in the purification of highly concentrated (up to 1 µg/µl) plasmid DNA directly from a 96-well vacuum plate. In addition, the wash regimen has been optimized to ensure the plasmid DNA is free of endotoxins, salt, protein, and RNA. The result is plasmid DNA suitable for transfection, transformation, lentivirus production, adenovirus production, AAV production, CRISPR, genome editing, sequencing, restriction endonuclease digestion, in vitro transcription/translation, PCR and other sensitive downstream applications.

    As an added convenience, the ZymoPURE™ 96 Plasmid Miniprep Kit contains colored buffers that permit error-free visualization and identification of complete bacterial cell lysis and neutralization. ZymoPURE™ Filter Plates are also included for rapid clearing of the lysate and the unique Zymo-Spin P-96 Plate design allows the binding step to be performed using a vacuum or centrifuge.

    Looking to get started with high-throughput plasmid purification? The ZymoPURE 96 Plasmid Starter Package includes a 4 x 96 ZymoPURE 96 Plasmid Miniprep Kit and EZ-Vac 96 Vacuum Manifold, making for a complete high-throughput plasmid purification solution.

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    SDS (MSDS): 

    Technical Specifications

    Applicable For Transfection, transformation, lentivirus production, adenovirus production, AAV production, CRISPR, genome editing, in vivo studies, sequencing, restriction endonuclease digestion, in vitro transcription/translation, PCR, and other sensitive applications.
    Binding Capacity 100 µg
    Culture Input ≤ 5 mL
    Elution Volume 125 µL
    Endotoxin Levels ≤ 1 EU/µg
    Equipment 96-well plate vacuum manifold (recommended) or swinging bucket centrifuge with microplate adapters. The vacuum pump should be a single or double-staged unit capable of producing up to 300 mm Hg at the vacuum manifold.
    Format 96-Well Plate
    Processing Time ≤ 60 min
    Purity Typical Abs260/280 ≥ 1.8 and Abs260/230 ≥ 2.0
    Recommended Sample Volume ≤ 5.0 mL
    Size Range Up to ~200 kb
    Yield Up to  100 µg per preparation, depending on the plasmid copy number, culture growth conditions, and strain of E. coli utilized.


    10 mM Tris-HCL, 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 8.5

    No, the ZymoPURE™ kits are only compatible with ZymoPURE™ Wash 2 and we cannot disclose a substitution due to the sensitive nature of the recipe. Additional ZymoPURE™ Wash 2 can be purchased separately.

    Yes, however, the pressure needs to be around 300 mm Hg. Users should take caution, as the pressure of an in-house vacuum line can fluctuate drastically or be significantly reduced, depending on the demand in the building.

    Yes, the standard protocol should work with other gram-negative bacteria. However, the user will need to validate the protocol for their particular species. For gram-positive bacteria, please refer to the Gram-Positive Bacteria Protocol in the Appendix of the kit protocol.

    Yes, the standard ZymoPURE protocol has been successfully tested with constructs up to 200 kb. To increase elution of large plasmid DNA, we recommend pre-warming the ZymoPURE Elution Buffer (50 ºC) and increasing the incubation time on column up to 10 minutes prior to centrifugation.

    This product is compatible with any commercially available 96-well plate vacuum manifold that can process stacked plates. We recommend our EZ-Vac 96 Vacuum Manifold (S7003).

    The vacuum pump should be a single or double-staged unit capable of producing at least 300 mm Hg pressure at the vacuum manifold.

    128 mm x 86 mm x 76 mm. Ensure that the buckets on the rotor have sufficient clearance to accommodate this combo.

    Increase the overnight culture processing volume up to 5 mL.

    The plasmid purification protocol has been optimized for Luria-Bertani (LB) media. Enriched culture medias such as Terrific Broth or Super Broth can result in reduced performance and column clogging depending on the cell density and plasmid DNA copy number. Therefore, it might be necessary to reduce the volume of culture being processed when working with enriched culture media.

    Other 96-well plates can be used for the elution step, but we highly recommend using the provided deep well plate to maximize the elution volume recovered and minimize cross-contamination. You may elute in a standard elution plate, but a lower vacuum pressure may be required (≤ 225 mm Hg).

    Cat # Name Size Price
    D4200-1-100 ZymoPURE P1 (Red) 100 ml $40.80
    D4200-2-100 ZymoPURE P2 (Blue) 100 ml $32.90
    D4200-3-100 ZymoPURE P3 (Yellow) 100 ml $32.90
    D4200-4-110 ZymoPURE Binding Buffer 110 ml $44.20
    D4200-5-55 ZymoPURE Wash 1 55 ml $45.30
    D4200-6-23 ZymoPURE Wash 2 (Concentrate) 23 ml $45.30
    D4200-7-30 ZymoPURE Elution Buffer 30 ml $43.10
    C2022 ZymoPURE Filter Plate 2 x 96-well plate $165.80
    C2023 Zymo-Spin P-96 Plate 2 x 96-Well Plate $191.60
    C2024 Wash Plate 2 x 96-Well Plate $21.60
    C2015 96-Well 2.0 mL Deep Well Plate 2 plates $16.50
    C2011-2 Air Permeable Sealing Cover 2 Pack $12.40
    C2007-6 96-Well Plate Cover Foil 6 Foils $12.40

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