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    EZ RNA Methylation Kit

    R5001 / R5002

    EZ RNA Methylation Kit

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    R5001 EZ RNA Methylation Kit 50 Prep $194.70
    - +
    R5002 EZ RNA Methylation Kit 200 Prep $617.00
    - +



    • Specifically optimized for complete conversion of non-methylated cytosines in RNA.
    • Ideal for all RNA inputs.
    • Complete conversion of RNA in as little as 1 hour.

    The EZ RNA Methylation Kit features rapid and reliable bisulfite conversion of cytosines in RNA for methylation analysis. The kit streamlines the three-step process for complete conversion of cytosine in into uracil. RNA denaturation and bisulfite conversion processes are combined into a single step. No buffer preparation is necessary. The RNA Conversion Reagent is provided ready-to-use: simply add the reagent to an RNA sample and incubate as indicated. The innovative in-column desulphonation technology eliminates messy precipitation steps, ensuring researchers obtain consistent results. The product has been designed to minimize template degradation, loss of RNA during treatment and clean-up, and to provide complete conversion of cytosine for accurate methylation analysis. Recovered RNA is ideal for RT-PCR, sequencing, library preparation and Next-Gen sequencing.

    Conversion > 99%
    Elution Volume ≥ 10 µl
    Equipment Thermocycler with heated lid and microcentrifuge.
    Input 0.5 - 1 µg of RNA.
    Processing Time 50 Minutes
    Purity Purified, converted RNA is of high quality and is well suited for PCR amplification for downstream analyses including endonuclease digestion, sequencing, microarrays, etc.
    Recovery > 80%

    Cat # Name Size Price
    W1001-1 DNase/RNase-Free Water 1 ml $11.30
    W1001-4 DNase/RNase-Free Water 4 ml $13.60
    R5001-1-1 RNA Conversion Reagent 1.5 ml $24.70
    R5001-3-10 RNA Desulphonation Buffer 10 ml $17.50
    R5001-3-40 RNA Desulphonation Buffer 40 ml $46.40
    C1004-50 Zymo-Spin IC Columns 50 Pack $60.00
    C1001-50 Collection Tubes 50 Pack $17.00
    R1013-2-25 RNA Binding Buffer 25 ml $55.50
    R1003-3-12 RNA Wash Buffer 12 ml $34.00
    R1003-3-24 RNA Wash Buffer 24 ml $66.80
    R1013-2-100 RNA Binding Buffer 100 ml $145.00

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