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    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    DNA Degradase Plus

    Bioz Citation Badge
    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    E2020 DNA Degradase Plus 250 U $144.30
    - +
    E2021 DNA Degradase Plus 1000 U $461.50
    - +


    • Quick and simple procedure for generating single nucleosides from DNA for quantitative analysis via LC/MS
    • Convienent 2 hour, single enzyme digest v. conventional 6-16 hr multi-step enzyme digestion protocol
    Description & Documents Specifications FAQ Citations


    Product Description

    DNA Degradase Plus from Zymo Research is a nuclease mix that quickly and efficiently degrades DNA to its individual nucleoside components. Since nucleosides lack negatively charged phosphate, DNA Degradase Plus is ideal for whole-genome DNA methylation analysis by LC/MS. Digestion with the enzyme is performed via a one-step procedure that is faster and simpler than other available methods.


    Technical Specifications

    Assay Condition DNA Degradase Plus in 1X DNA Degradase Reaction Buffer. Incubate reaction mixtures at 37C for ≥1 hour
    Concentration 5 U/µl
    Enzyme Inactivation Heat inactivate enzyme at 70C for 20 minutes
    Storage Store at -20C for up to 12 months. Avoid repeated freeze/thawing of reagents. Prolonged storage is at ≤ -70C.
    Unit Definition 5 U of enzyme will digest 1 µg of genomic DNA in 25 µl reaction volume at 37C for ≥ 1 hr


    The best way to confirm degradation is to run the sample on a gel. Nothing should be visible for the Degradase-treated samples. You do not need to purify the reaction.

    Yes, the protocol time is a suggestion for sufficient digestion. Additional incubation time can be added to completely ensure that all sample has been digested. There is no harm in letting the reaction proceed longer.

    Yes, you can add excess enzyme to ensure full digestion.

    The preferred substrate for Degradase and Degradase Plus is double stranded DNA. There will be only minor degradation of single stranded DNA template and no degradation of RNA template.

    Yes, you can scale the reaction up or down as necessary. For the best results, digest no more than 1 µg of DNA with 5 U (1 µl) of enzyme in 25 µl reaction volume. The reaction volume is just as important as the amount of DNA, and we recommend scaling up the volume of enzyme accordingly. For example, if the reaction volume is 100 µl, use 4 µl of DNA Degradase (Plus).

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