Go From Sample Collection Directly to PCR with DNA/RNA Shield DirectDetect

DirectDetect Eliminates the Need for RNA Extraction in COVID-19 Testing Workflows

Eliminates the need for RNA (or DNA) extraction, allowing for rapid, direct, cost-effective analysis of samples

No inhibition of real-time PCR

Reduces sample viscosity to minimize pipetting errors with automated liquid handlers
Does Not Inhibit PCR-Based Testing

Compared to other reagents used for collecting swab samples, such as saline, DNA/RNA Shield — DirectDetect does not inhibit downstream real-time PCR.
Swabs were collected into either DNA/RNA Shield — DirectDetect or 0.9% saline, and then spiked with heat inactivated SARS-CoV-2 at a concentration of 5,000 copy/mL. 10µl of each sample was used as input into the Quick SARS-CoV-2 Multiplex Kit (R3013) for real-time PCR analysis.
How It Works

Collect sample and mix

Dispense for RT-PCR
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