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Quick-DNA Urine Kit
Cat # | Name | Size | Price | Quantity |
- Purify cellular and/or cell-free DNA easily and reliably from up to 40 ml of urine.
- Uniquely formulated urine conditioning reagent allows stabilization of DNA in urine for up to 1 month at ambient temperature.
- Zymo-Spin column technology ensures DNA is ready for all sensitive downstream applications including qPCR, DNA sequencing, arrays, and DNA methylation analysis.
Product Description
Technical Specifications
Applicable For | All sensitive downstream applications such as qPCR and Next-Generation sequencing. |
Equipment | Centrifuge, microcentrifuge, and heat block/bath. |
Processing Volume | ≤ 40 ml |
Purity | Typical A260/A280 ≥ 1.8 |
Sample Source | Urine |
Sample Storage | Eluted DNA should be stored at ≤ -20°C. |
Size Range | 100 bp - 23 kb |
Type | Total DNA including cfDNA |
Yield | Up to 5 µg total DNA can be eluted into ≥ 10 µl. 6 - 1000 ng/ml for healthy females. 2 - 20 ng/ml for healthy males. |
Q1: If I plan to process my urine samples immediately, is the Urine Conditioning Buffer necessary?
The Urine Conditioning Buffer (UCB) is necessary if you are interested in isolating cell-free DNA. If omitting the UCB, only cellular DNA is recovered.
Q2: What is the function of the Clearing Beads?
When the Urine Conditioning Buffer is added to the urine, the Clearing Beads helps to create a compact pellet and make it the pellet easy to visualize during the procedure.
Q3: Can I process urine samples stabilized in DNA/RNA Shield?
Yes, however, the volume of sample processed becomes large and difficult to handle. In addition, cellular and cell-free DNA cannot be separated. To process urine samples stabilized in DNA/RNA Shield, please contact technical support at
Q4: What should I do if I see an oil layer on top of the pellet, after centrifugation?
Remove the oil layer by pipetting and process the pellet. However, residual oil will not affect purification.
Q5: Can cell-free DNA be isolated from urine stored at – 80 °C?
We recommend stabilizing fresh urine with the Urine Conditioning Buffer and storing stabilized urine for later processing. Frozen urine can be processed, however, cells may lyse open upon freeze-thaw, causing in fragmentation of gDNA and resulting in more cell-free DNA than what was originally present.
Q6: Is the Quick-DNA Urine kit compatible with DNA Urine Preserve from Streck?
Yes, however, we cannot guarantee the efficiency of the Streck preservative.
Cat # | Name | Size | Price | |
D3004-1-50 | Genomic Lysis Buffer | 50 ml | $39.70 | |
D3061-1-140 | Urine Conditioning Buffer | 140 ml | $146.40 | |
D3004-4-4 | DNA Elution Buffer | 4 ml | $11.60 | |
D3061-2-1 | Clearing Beads | 1 ml | $63.00 | |
D3061-3-20 | Urine Pellet Digestion Buffer | 20 ml | $49.00 | |
D3061-4-10 | Urine DNA Prep Buffer | 10 ml | $24.50 | |
C1001-50 | Collection Tubes | 50 Pack | $17.50 | |
C1015-50 | Zymo-Spin IC-S Columns | 50 Pack | $60.70 | |
D3061-5-12 | Urine DNA Wash Buffer | 12 ml | $39.70 | |
"Good yields of DNA in a very simple efficient process."
R. W.
Medical University of South Carolina
"The kit is very useful as it lets us to analyze big volumes without an ultracentrifugation step."
S. B.M.
University of Barcelona
"The protocol was easy to use/follow and it didn't take a great deal of time to get results."
S. H.
South College School of Pharmacy
DNA was extracted from urinary epithelial cells, non-invasively available tissue, using the Quick-DNATM Urine Kit in study of the Old Order Amish population in the US suspected of having mitochondrial DNA mutations. Collected urine samples were assessed for heteroplasmy level for the m.3243A>G mutation using high-resolution melt (HRM) profiling and confirmed through DNA Sanger sequencing. This finding represents the first report of mitochondrial respiratory chain disorders in the Amish community and suggests that it may be under-diagnosed.
Lina GG, Amy G, Vockley CW, Dobrowolski SF, Biery A, Irani A, Ibarra J, Morton DH, Mohsen AW, Vockley J. (2016). Mitrocontrial respitory chain disorders in the Old Order Amish populationResearches used the Quick-DNA Urine Kit (previously known as Extract-all Urine DNA kit) to detect and investigate the role of tumor cell-free DNA copy number variations (CNVs) in urine as clinically relevant diagnostic and predictive biomarkers for metastatic hormone sensitive and metastatic castrate resistant stages of prostate cancer. Urine cfDNAs derived from Quick-DNA Urine Kit were used to perform whole genome sequencing to generate high quality sequencing library. Researchers were able to detect CNVs in all samples, furthermore they were able to detect specific urine cfDNAs genomic aberrations at loci of PTEN, TMPRSS2, AR, and NOTCH1. CNV changes after treatment (androgen deprivation therapy and doxetacel chemotherapy) allowed for the identification of treatment-associated CNV changes, most important of which have been reported to be aberrant in prostate cancer such as copy number changes in RNF43 and ZNRF3 loci and in the LGR4 and MYC proto oncogene loci. These findings could prove potential predictive and prognostic classifiers for advance prostate cancer patients.
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