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    Oligo Clean & Concentrator Kits | 96-Well

    The Oligo Clean & Concentrator kits provide a streamlined method for efficient recovery and clean-up of DNA/RNA fragments and oligonucletides ≥16 nt from labeling (radioactive, biotin, DIG, etc.) and other enzymatic reactions.

    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.


    ZR-96 Oligo Clean & Concentrator


    • Fast & Simple: Clean and concentrate DNA and RNA oligonucleotides in 2 minutes.
    • Ultra-Pure: Ready for hybridization, Next-Gen Sequencing, PCR, ligations, etc.
    • Complete removal: Eliminate dyes, salts, enzymes, nucleotides, and short oligos.
    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    D4062 ZR-96 Oligo Clean & Concentrator (96-Well Plate) 2 x 96 Preps $250.90
    - +
    D4063 ZR-96 Oligo Clean & Concentrator (96-Well Plate) 4 x 96 Preps $493.70
    - +
    Cat # Name Size Price
    D4003-2-48 DNA Wash Buffer (Concentrate) 48 ml $70.00
    D4003-2-24 DNA Wash Buffer (Concentrate) 24 ml $38.50
    D4060-1-40 Oligo Binding Buffer 40 ml $79.30
    D4060-1-10 Oligo Binding Buffer 10 ml $37.40
    C2002 Collection Plate 2 Plates $25.60
    C2003 Elution Plate 2 Plates $22.10
    C2004 Zymo-Spin I-96 Plate 2 Plates $165.70
    C2007-4 96-Well Plate Cover Foil 4 Foils $10.30
    C2007-2 96-Well Plate Cover Foil 2 Foils $10.30


    The Oligo Clean & Concentrator provides a streamlined method for efficient recovery and clean-up of DNA/RNA fragments and oligonucletides ≥ 16 nt from labeling (radioactive, biotin, DIG, etc.) and other enzymatic reactions. Unincorporated nucleotides, short oligos, dyes, enzymes, and salts are effectively removed by the clean-up procedure. DNA/RNA is washed and concentrated into a small volume of water. Purified DNA/RNA, available in just 2 minutes, is suitable for hybridization, gel shift assays, enzymatic reactions, ligation, sequencing, microarray analysis, etc.


    Technical Specifications
    Applicable For Single-stranded and double-stranded DNA and RNA
    Elution Volume ≥ 10 µl
    Equipment Centrifuge with microplate carriers with height tolerance of 60 mm (2.36 inches)
    Purity A260/A280 > 1.8, A260/A230 > 1.8
    Sample Source Enzymatic reaction mixtures containing oligonucleotides ≥ 16 nt (radioactive-, biotin-, DIG-labeled, etc.)
    Size Range For oligonucleotides ≥ 16 nt, up to 23 kb
    Yield 10 µg of ssDNA/RNA or 5 µg of dsDNA with a typical recovery > 90%




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