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Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

ZR-96 Genomic DNA Clean & Concentrator-5 Kit

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Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Read The Zymo Research Promise

Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
D4066 ZR-96 Genomic DNA Clean & Concentrator-5 2 x 96 Preps $398.00
- +
D4067 ZR-96 Genomic DNA Clean & Concentrator-5 4 x 96 Preps $629.00
- +


  • Quick, high-throughput (96-well) recovery of large-sized DNA from any enzymatic reaction or impure preparation without messy precipitations
  • Unique spin column for low volume elution of ultra-pure, high-yield DNA
  • Eluted DNA is ideal for PCR, endonuclease digestion, sequencing, etc.
Description & Documents Specifications FAQ Components



Product Description

The ZR-96 Genomic DNA Clean & Concentrator (DCC) is a 96-well gDNA clean up kit that provides quick (~20 minutes) recovery of ultra-pure, large-sized DNA (e.g., genomic, mitochondrial, plasmid (BAC/PAC), viral, phage, (wga) DNA, etc.) from any enzymatic reaction or impure preparation (e.g., Proteinase K digestion). There is no need for organic denaturants, chloroform, or messy precipitations: simply add the specially formulated ChIP DNA Binding Buffer to a sample and then transfer the mixture to the supplied Zymo-Spin Column. Eluted DNA is suitable for sequencing, PCR, endonuclease digestion, and other enzymatic procedures. This 96-well gDNA clean up kit is also compatible with smaller DNAs (50 bp to 10 kb) from PCR, digestions, crude plasmid preparations, cDNA synthesis, etc.



Technical Specifications

Applicable For Eluted DNA is ideal for ligation, sequencing, labeling, PCR, microarray, transfection, transformation, restriction digestion procedures, and any other sensitive downstream application
Elution Volume ≥ 15 µl of DNA Elution Buffer
Equipment Centrifuge w/ microplate carriers
Purity A260/A280 > 1.8, A260/A230 > 1.8
Sample Source Enzymatic reactions or impure preparations containing genomic DNA
Sample storage Eluted DNA can be used immediately or stored at ≤ -20°C
Size Range > 50 bp and up to 200 kb
Yield Up to 5 µg DNA. Recovery of DNA ranges from 70 - 95%


Picogram levels of DNA can be recovered. The limitation is based on sensitivity of detection method.

Add an equal volume of ethanol (95-100%) to the sample and mix well. The sample is ready-to-bind and does not require DNA Binding Buffer. Proceed to Step 2.

The DNA will be eluted off the column. Rebind samples using the appropriate amount of DNA Binding Buffer and wash the column with the properly prepared wash buffer.

Oversaturation of the column can result in total DNA loss due to clogging of silica matrix.

We recommend no more than 5 times as binding efficiency might decrease.

Working with volumes below 50 µl can result in decreased recovery. We recommend raising the starting volume to 100 µl with water to ensure optimal binding conditions.

Cat # Name Size Price
D3004-4-4 DNA Elution Buffer 4 ml $11.60
D3004-4-1 DNA Elution Buffer 1 ml $12.90
D3004-4-16 DNA Elution Buffer 16 ml $21.00
D3004-4-10 DNA Elution Buffer 10 ml $16.40
D4003-2-24 DNA Wash Buffer (Concentrate) 24 ml $38.50
D4003-2-6 DNA Wash Buffer (Concentrate) 6 ml $11.60
D4003-2-48 DNA Wash Buffer (Concentrate) 48 ml $70.00
D5201-1-50 ChIP DNA Binding Buffer 50 ml $39.20
D5201-1-100 ChIP DNA Binding Buffer 100 ml $88.10
C2010 Zymo-Spin I-96-XL Plates 2 Plates $299.90
C2003 Elution Plate 2 Plates $22.10
C2002 Collection Plate 2 Plates $25.60

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