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    ZymoBIOMICS DNA/RNA Miniprep Kit


    • Unbiased Lysis: Efficient and unbiased lysis of microbes including Grampositive/negative bacteria, fungi, protozoans, and viruses from any sample (feces, soil, plant, water, biofilms, swabs, saliva, body fluids, etc.)
    • Ultra-Pure: DNA and Total RNA (including small/micro RNAs) is inhibitor-free and ready for qPCR and microbiome measurements using Next-Gen Sequencing.
    • High Sensitivity: Increased detection limit of very low abundance organisms.
    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    R2002 ZymoBIOMICS DNA/RNA Miniprep Kit 50 Preps $636.00
    - +
    Cat # Name Size Price
    E1010-1-4 DNA Digestion Buffer 4 mL $17.50
    C1058-50 Zymo-Spin III-HRC Filters 50 Pack $126.10
    C1001-50 Collection Tubes 50 Pack $17.50
    C1006-50-G Zymo-Spin IIICG Columns 50 Pack $64.20
    C1006-50-F Spin-Away Filters 50 Pack $64.20
    D7001-1-50 DNA/RNA Lysis Buffer 50 ml $92.20
    D7010-2-50 DNA/RNA Prep Buffer 50 ml $73.50
    D7010-3-24 DNA/RNA Wash Buffer (Concentrate) 24 ml $70.00
    R1100-50 DNA/RNA Shield 50 ml $72.10
    W1001-30 DNase/RNase-Free Water 30 ml $25.60


    The ZymoBIOMICS DNA/RNA Miniprep Kit is designed for purifying DNA and RNA from a wide array of sample inputs (e.g. feces, soil, plant, water, and biofilms) that is ready for microbiome or metagenome analyses. The ZymoBIOMICS innovative lysis system eliminates bias associated with unequal lysis efficiencies of different organisms (e.g. Gram-negative/positive bacteria, fungus, protozoans, and algae). The provided DNA/RNA Shield preserves nucleic acids at ambient temperatures, providing an unbiased molecular snapshot of the sample. The procedure uses Zymo-Spin Column technology that results in high-quality DNA and total RNA (including small RNAs 17-200 nt) that is free of PCR inhibitors (e.g. polyphenols, humic acids, and fulvic acids). Ready for RT-PCR, arrays, sequencing, etc.

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    Technical Specifications
    Equipment Microcentrifuge, vortex, cell disrupter (recommended)
    Purity DNA and RNA is ready for Next-Gen sequencing, RTPCR, microarray, hybridization, etc. A260/A280, A260/A230: >1.8.
    Sample Source Bacterial, fungal, protozoan, algae, viral, mitochondrial, and host RNA is efficiently isolated from ≤ 200 mg of mammalian feces, ≤ 250 mg soil, ≤ 200 mg plant/seed, 50-100 mg (wet weight) fungal bacterial cells, biofilms, and water.
    Size Range DNA and Total RNA ≥17 nt
    Yield 100 µg DNA/RNA (binding capacity), ≥50 µl (elution volume)




    Environmental samples often contain inhibitors such as polyphenolics, humic/fulvic acids, tannins, melanins, etc. that affect downstream applications such as PCR. The Zymo-Spin III-HRC is designed to remove these PCR inhibitors and does not bind DNA/RNA. The Zymo-Spin III-HRC can be purchased separately as the OneStep PCR Inhibitor Kit (D6030).

    Check sample type and input amount. Low biomass samples such as swabs, some soil samples, water, air are expected to have low yield. High biomass samples such as feces may cause overloading of the spin column. Using less input may improve yields.

    Ensure sample is fully homogenized. Depending on bead beater used, the settings may have to be optimized for each sample. The homogenization time may be extended to see if yields improve.

    Apply heated elution buffer (60-70° C) and allow elution buffer to incubate on the column for several minutes prior to elution.

    Ensure that the DNA Elution Buffer is added directly to the column matrix.

    Low A260/230 values can be due to handling issues (e.g. transfer of column during wash steps). To minimize reagent wash buffer carryover, centrifuge the column at max speed for 1 minute prior to elution.

    The chemistry extracts total RNA (including small RNAs and miRNAs) so an intense band at <200 nt size is within reason. For actual degraded RNA, make sure to check the sample collection procedures and storage conditions to ensure the initial sample is high quality. Degraded RNA can also occur if the bead-beating sample tube is overheated during homogenization. Reducing the time and intensity may improve performance.

    Sample overloading can cause nucleic acids to precipitate and crash out of solution, reducing yields. Use less sample input to avoid precipitation.

    This is a normal occurrence as DNA/RNA Shield contains detergents. To reduce foam, centrifuge at ≥ 12,000 x g in 1 minute intervals before transferring the supernatant.

    We have validated our kits with both high-speed homogenizers and low-speed disruptors. We highly recommend users to optimize their bead beating conditions for their own instruments. We recommend using a 2 ml-tube adapter to ensure that the bead beating is efficient (do not use adapters made of foam). You can reference the Optimized Lysis Protocols table under documents for some recommendations.

    This can happen on occasion due to transport or storage at lower temperatures. The reagent functionality is not affected; however, the precipitate can be resolved by heating the reagent to >37 °C.


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