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    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    ZR DNA Sequencing Clean-Up Kit

    Bioz Citation Badge
    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    D4050 ZR DNA Sequencing Clean-Up Kit 50 Preps $124.80
    - +
    D4051 ZR DNA Sequencing Clean-Up Kit 200 Preps $375.70
    - +


    • Complete elimination of "dye blobs" for high quality Phred scores and long read lengths
    • Flexible 6-20 µl elution volumes allow for direct loading of samples with no precipitation or drying steps
    • Reusable!
    Description & Documents Specifications Components


    Product Description

    The ZR DNA Sequencing Clean-Up Kits provide a simple and rapid (2 & 10 minute) method for removal of post-cycle sequencing reaction contaminants (i.e., unincorporated fluorescent dyes, residual salts, dNTPs, primers, and enzymes) from DNA extension products. These contaminants can often interfere with the quality and signal strength of sequencing data, including dye peaks or "dye blobs" which may obscure portions of the sequencing chromatogram and interfere with base-calling accuracy of sequencing analysis software. DNA is eluted with a small volume of water or loading dye containing formamide.


    Technical Specifications

    Elution Volume 6 µl - 20 µl
    Equipment Microcentrifuge
    Sample Source Sequencing input samples with post-cycle sequencing reaction contaminants from DNA extension products
    Sample storage Eluted DNA can be used immediately or stored at ≤ -20°C
    Yield Up to 5 µg DNA


    Cat # Name Size Price
    D4050-2-20 Sequencing Wash Buffer 20 ml $37.40
    D4050-2-70 Sequencing Wash Buffer 70 ml $60.70
    D4050-1-14 Sequencing Binding Buffer 14 ml $43.20
    D4050-1-55 Sequencing Binding Buffer 55 ml $110.80
    C1001-50 Collection Tubes 50 Pack $17.50
    C1014-50 Zymo-Spin IB Columns 50 Pack $58.40

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